Sunday, May 16, 2010

Frame Data - Part 3

Comboing and Blockstrings

Let's take a look at some frame data for Ryu, a snippit from eventhubs.   

Let's look at the close light punch.  As you can see, each field is filled in with a value.  Generally, 3 frames for startup is relatively quick, and is the same speed for a throw in this game.  It actively his for 3 frames, and takes 6 frames to recover.  Simple so far right?

Frame advantage on block and on hit aren't too bad - but how did they get to those numbers?
Both sets of frame advantage fields are actually calculated by the hit and blockstun values, as shown below. 

Frame Advantage on block is calculated as:
Block Stun - Recovery - (Active - 1)
10     -       6            -   (3 - 1)           =     + 2

Frame Advantage on Hit is Calculated as:

Hit Stun - Recovery - (Active - 1)

13    -     6         -    (3 - 1)                =     + 5

The (Active - 1) Assumes you hit on the first frame - if you hit on the last hit frame, you can actually have even more frame advantage!  This is the SAME as hitting on the last frame of Startup!

Now Let's take a look at some link combos.  A very common one with Ryu is the Cr. Med Punch, Cr. Med Punch, Cr. Roundhose.  This is a link combo with strict timing - but why is it so strict?

Let's take a look at the move properties:

Cr. Med. Punch:
Startup: 4    Hit: 4  Recovery:  8   FAB: +2  FAH: +5  BS: 13   HS:  16

Cr. RoundHouse
Startup: 5    Hit: 4  Recovery: 28 FAB: -14 FAH: -   BS: 17   HS: - 

So if you start with a medium punch we get the calculation similar to above (we are looking at frame advantage to combo:

Frame Advantage on Hit = 16(hitstun) - 8(Recovery) - (4(Active) - 1) = + 5
So after doing a c. Medium punch, we are left free at +5 while the opponent is still in hit stun.  So we input another c. Medium Punch, which takes 4 frames to start up.  One thing to note here - look We have 5 frames, and it takes 4 frames, leaving one frame of error in this combo!

So again, Frame Advantage on Hit = 16(hitstun) - 8(Recovery) - (4(Active) - 1) = + 5
And we are left at +5 again.  Now look at how many frames the sweep starts up!

The Sweep Starts up in 5 Frames, and we have 5 frames to do it.  There is how that combo works.

Now lets take a look at an example where something looks like it combos, but it actually has a large hole in its blockstun that you can be hit out of.  "Block Strings" are sets of moves similar to combos that put the opponent in a state of blockstun where they cannot mash any attacks.  This is to apply pressure to the opponent and attempt to give you an opening to attack when they don't block in the correct direction.

A common one that is used with Ryu is c. LP, c. LP, c. MP, Fireball.

C. Light Punch

Startup: 3  Active : 3  Recovery: 6  FAB: +2  FAH: +5  BS: 10  HS: 13

So after 1 c. LP, you are at +2, and another light punch takes 3 frames (its startup).  So as you make the next jab, your opponent has only 1 frame to get an attack out before your attack comes out!  The math works out like this: (+2 FA - 3 frame startup of jab = -1 Frames)  Since very few attacks come out that quickly, even uppercuts (which are 3 frames) will not come out.  It is pretty lenient on timing, so 1 or 2 frames later your opponent still has to put out a perfectly timed 3 frame attack.

However, when you try to use c. MK to continue your block string, you will see that this block string has a large hole in it.  C. MK needs 5 frames to start up, and you were left at +2 after two blocked c. LP's.  Now, +2 - 5 Frame Startup leaves you at -3 IF you time it perfectly.  Which means an attack from them with a 3 frame startup, even mashed during their blockstun will come out and hit you.

So be careful with fake blockstrings!

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