I have been tasked with creating a Modded Madcatz TE stick to work with 360, PS3, and PS2. This means cables that will work for each of them as well. I am creating a custom Arcade UFO themed stick for Fubarduck, the co-owner of Arcade UFO. This stick must be a LOT cleaner than my previous test build, and in addition it must have a lot more options added to it that are meant for Tournament use.
This means:
-A switch for PS3/360 Selection. No Imp switch, as he needs to know for sure that he's on a specific console.
-no 4th column buttons. Easy modification with panel plugs.
-An MC Cthulhu. Allows for PS3, and PS2 compatibility for 3rd Strike.
-A ethercon port for PS2 cables. Strong, Small, and easily serviced.

Notice the layout differences from my previous build.
Unopened backplate as well; all wires routed from TOPSIDE and serviced through the top.

Notice how the wires are organized, ziptied, and put away. Makes for a cleaner build.
Updates on the PS2 ethercon port later this week.